Who Can Benefit?

In principle, anyone can benefit from Calatonia for deep relaxation and psychophysical self-regulation, which includes brain self-regulation (balance of resting brain dynamics) as well. In fact, the application of Calatonia does not aim for specific results, because self-regulation is a comprehensive process and each organism responds to it in a unique way.

However, this comprehensive self-regulation elicited by the application of Calatonia positively impacts a wide range of psychosomatic issues, particularly those issues related to the aftermath of trauma, which was the initial function of Calatonia treatment during World War II. Thus, this work should always be performed by a qualified professional capable of treating and evaluating the patient’s reactions, feedback and progress.

Psychiatric patients may also benefit from this technique because it helps to develop self-awareness, decreases emotional reactivity (mood stabilization), and promotes adaptive thinking (re-scripting of narratives about self and others).

In addition, Calatonia and other Subtle Touch techniques are useful in palliative care for inpatients (pre- and postoperative, chronic and terminal illnesses) and in parallel with chemotherapy treatments to lessen the secondary symptoms of cancer treatments.

In summary, Subtle Touch techniques can be used in psychotherapy sessions to integrate mind-body, promote deep relaxation and contemplative states, facilitate access to forgotten or repressed memories and help to restore disrupted development in children, adolescents and adults.