“Calatonia: A Junguian Relaxation Method” – Lucy Coelho Penna, Ph D


Calatonia is a relaxation method proposed by Sándor, to be used in association with psychotherapy under Junguian principles. During Second World War, Sándor worked in Red Cross hospitals in Europe, starting their observations of this method that was further developed in Brazil . The method’s basic technique, also known as “Brazilian Toe Technique” , was presented publicy at the Symposium held by the Society of Psychology of Sao Paulo, 1969.

Calatonia method consists of soft skin touches , lightly applied in patient’s feet, arms, head, other trunk. His main objective is to open the proprioceptive channel to expand the consciousness of the subtil body. The images, memories and sensations aroused by the calatonia touches can provide the pacification of physical and mental tensions.

Some clinical experiences have been reported by Junguian pychotherapists Mauro(1969), De Sanctis(1969), Penna(1976), (Seixas (1989) and Hasse(1990). A partial overview of the theoretical implications of touching patients’ feet during the basic calatonia procedure was realized by Penna ( 1979) Focus has been posed upon walk and upright posture symbolism. Some Brazilian myths were also discussed and compared with the common body image.

Under supervision of Sandor, Penna elaborated the whole of tecniques that were been employed by clinicians in 1985. Sandor designed his method under three sets of techniques: Basic, Fragmentated Decompression and Balanced Touches on the Body Holding Points. These synthetic view was planned to encompass all the procedures that could be entitled to be under the calatonic method label.

The employ of calatonia as an educational auxiliary tool was emphysized by Farah ( 1995). She described the experience of introducing some techniques in the undergraduated trainning program for psychology students. A comprehensible description of the Sandor’s soft touchings and others therapeutic methods was edited by Delmanto.(1997)

Therapeutic framework

The core of Sandor’s work is the correlations between body, psyche and spiritual life. He had taught at the Catholic University of Sao Paulo and Sedes Sapientiae Institut during twenty years on this subject. The contribution he braught helped to complement the Junguian theory and pratice also including translationd of Jung, Groddeck, Neumman and Heyer, besides attending patients and groups on his private clinic.

The physyopsychic integration Sandor worked on during his lifetime was part of the planetary urge to answer to the questions aroused by contemporary society. How to integrate body and psyche in order to live in harmony? Can we help modern man and woman to overcome the Christian sinness view about the body ? The majority of Brazilian population is Christian and deals with conflicts on the role of body and spirituality. Common people can behave overcompensating the old prohibitions choosing pornography, for example.

The Brazilian psyche shows an espontaneous tendency to live sexuality and sensuality naturallly as flowers glowing in a tropical garden . The collective attitude regarding the body seems to be originated in the indigenous people attunement with the vital cicles of Mother Earth. The African descendents make this collective caracter still brighter, colouring the emotional expression that is currently accepted in most areas of the country.

Dance, rithms and songs bring the importance of the body in our culture. The skin is present in many creative forms, art and literature. The Carnival feast is an example. It represents the Dyonisiac liberation of the instinctual life repressed under Christian tradition. These days of celebration remember us that the conflict between matter and spirituality still exist.

Beyound the worn out frontiers

A broad educational program based on the true human values is still to be developed. Calatonia promotes consciousness contributing to go beyound opposition between matter and spirit. Healing touches and relaxation methods to achieve deep insights are already well known. However, calatonia’s subtil approach in psychoterapeutic settings is evolutionary.

Sandor’s method introduces the skin touch as an instrument of contact in the psychotherapeutic setting. That combines a gate and a risk which may receive the careful attention of practitioners.

A guideline to educators was proposed recently by Penna (1998) . ” Touch without fear” is an article designed to supply the sexual education for children and teenagers, inspired in Sandor’s method. What could better lead to healthy sexual experiences besides enlighted souls and lighter bodies ? That is what calatonia is about.

The work with symbols is also a strong branch within Sandor’s method. Some states of consciousness that can be felt through the subtil touches expand the daily routine experience. Going beyound the worn out frontiers of the human experience is revealing and illuminating.

The Self’s voice can be better welcommed when one surrenders to it, softnening mental control. Calatonia’s relaxation state of mind opens symbol transformative process to occur. This perception of inner flowing of energy helps people to walk in balance. Sandor´s method may facilitate such ideal to become true.


Sándor, Petho (1969) Calatonia, Boletim de Psicologia , São Paulo, 21:57/58, p. .

Mauro, Maria Beatriz (1969) Anima e inconsciente racial no relaxamento e nos sonhos , Boletim de Psicologia , São Paulo, 21:57/58 p.17-24.

De Sanctis, Isabella (1969), A integração do animus na metanóia e no relaxamento. Boletim de Psicologia , 21 57/58 p. 25-36.

Penna de Moraes , Lucy (1976) Observações sobre um caso de psicoterapia infantil com relaxamento Anais do II Congresso Interamericano de Psicologia Clínica , São Paulo.

Penna de Moraes, Lucy (1979) Calatonia : a sensibilidade, os pés e a imagem do próprio corpo em psicoterapia . Diss. Mestrado IP-USP , 1979.

Sandor, Petho e Colaboradores (1982) Técnicas de Relaxamento São Paulo: Vetor.

Penna, Lucy (1985) O Método Calatônico em Psicoterapia Ciência e Cultura ( SBPC) v 37(12), Dezembro, p. 2007-2012.

Seixas, Leda M.P. (1989) O Caso de Nina: um atendimento na esquizofrenia dentro da visão junguiana Diss. Mestrado PUC, mimeo. São Paulo.

Hasse, Rita de Cássia.C. (1990) A importância da Coluna Vertebral como instrumento de individuação em psicoterapia. Diss. Mestrado Puc , mimeo., São Paulo.

Farah, Rosa Maria (1995) Integração Psicofísica – O trabalho corporal e a psicologia de C.G.Jung São Paulo: Robe Ed.

Delmanto, Suzana ( 1997) Toques Sutis. São Paulo: Summus Ed.

Penna, Lucy (1998) Toque sem Medo: a sexualidade em educação em Saúde e Qualidade de Vida São Paulo: Ed. Pe